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you can sing the pi day song

Pi day songs

All day long.

Oh, what fun it is,

To sing a jolly pi day song

in a fun math class

like this. (Repeat) Circles in the snow,

Around and round we go.

How far did we have to run?

Diameter times pi! (jingle bell tune)

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Q: What are some good pi day activities?
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What are some activities for pi day?

For Pi Day, you can really make the day fun with different activities. If you are a teacher, you can read them a math book on diameter, radius,circumference and pi. You can also buy a cookie pie or regular pie and serve it to you students/guests. You can also make a pi chain which is made out of loops of different pieces of construction paper. On each link, you write a digit from the number pi. These are some ideas that should work. Good Luck!!!

What are some good ideas for pi day art?

Spiro sheet

What are some good pi videos?

Some good pi videos are "the pi song" "pi mnumonics", and more!

What are some vocabulary words that relate to pi-day?


Why you celebrate pi day?

pi = 3.14, and in months that's March 14 (3/14), so it's just a fun day for kids at some schools who actually bring in pie, or a pizza pie. because i like pi and pi is good. and i do believe its spelt pie

When is pi day and what is celebrated on that day?

Pi day is on March 14th, because Pi=3.14 It is just a day to celebrate pi

What is pi day about?

The celebration day of pi (3.14159265...)

When is pi day?

Pi Day is on march 14(3.14)

Why do we have pi day?

We have pi day to sorta symbolize the meaning of pi. I think it is just for fun

When is ''pi day'' and what is it?

Pi Day is March 14. It is that day because it is 3-14 (the first 3 digits of pi). It is just a day to eat pie (the dessert) and celebrate pi (3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375...)

Why is pi day on pi day?

AnswerPi day is on March 14th or 3/14.This is because an approximation of the number pi is 3.14.

Why is pi day?

Pi Day is March 14th because the first thee digits of pi are 3.14