I wish I knew what was an example of a term but, I think its a word describingsomething in math. I think. :p lol
Well.... there is pythagoras.
An American word is Pacifier. it is often refered to in Simpsons with Maggie the Baby!
p: percentage * multiply b: base / divide r: rate if your looking for the percentage the formula is (b*r) the clue is if the sentence has the word "is" if your looking for the base the formula is (p/r) the clue is if the sentence has the word "of" if your looking for the rate the formula is (p/b) the clue is if the sentence has the sign like this "%"
P is a permutation. It is asking for the numbers in the ()'s after it. For exapmle, P(6,4) is 6x5x4 which is 120.
Pi is a math word that begins with the letter "p". also Pythagorean theorem starts with p.
a word that is similar to hate and starts with a p can be pique!
"Psychologist" is a word that starts with a p and means counselor.
The curse word that starts with "p" and ends in "k" is likely "prick."
Some four letter words beginning with P and ending with S:PadsPalsPansPapsParsPassPatsPawsPaysPeasPecsPegsPensPepsPetsPewsPicsPiesPigsPinsPipsPitsPlusPodsPolsPomsPopsPotsProsPubsPudsPugsPunsPupsPuts
Plumkin is a made-up word that rhymes with pumpkin and starts with the P sound.
P - U (pee-you)