Some math words that start with the letter P include product and plus. Other words include positive, Pythagorean, and Pi. You can also include problems, paired date, and parallel lines.
I wish I knew what was an example of a term but, I think its a word describingsomething in math. I think. :p lol
Well.... there is pythagoras.
An American word is Pacifier. it is often refered to in Simpsons with Maggie the Baby!
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math lingo! So, when you see P times p to the third power, you're basically multiplying P by p cubed. That's like saying P * p * p * p. So, the answer is P to the fourth power. Math, man, it's a trip.
p: percentage * multiply b: base / divide r: rate if your looking for the percentage the formula is (b*r) the clue is if the sentence has the word "is" if your looking for the base the formula is (p/r) the clue is if the sentence has the word "of" if your looking for the rate the formula is (p/b) the clue is if the sentence has the sign like this "%"
Pi is a math word that begins with the letter "p". also Pythagorean theorem starts with p.
a word that is similar to hate and starts with a p can be pique!
"Psychologist" is a word that starts with a p and means counselor.
The curse word that starts with "p" and ends in "k" is likely "prick."
Some four letter words beginning with P and ending with S:PadsPalsPansPapsParsPassPatsPawsPaysPeasPecsPegsPensPepsPetsPewsPicsPiesPigsPinsPipsPitsPlusPodsPolsPomsPopsPotsProsPubsPudsPugsPunsPupsPuts
Plumkin is a made-up word that rhymes with pumpkin and starts with the P sound.
P - U (pee-you)