decrease, deduct, detract, diminish, discount, draw back, knock off, remove, take, take from, take off, take out, withdraw, withhold,Difference, Fewer, How many more, How much more, Left
the mdas in math is multiplication,division,addition and subtraction
a math guy
It is the answer to a subtraction problem.
compare how compensation is different in addition and subtraction
the answer to a subtraction question is the difference.
the fundamental operations in math are, addition +, subtraction -, division /,and multiplication x ..
the mdas in math is multiplication,division,addition and subtraction
Subtraction and division.
Math concepts are such terms as algebra, subtraction, adding, and etc........................................................................
multiplication - product division - quotient addition - summation subtraction - difference
a math guy
It is the answer to a subtraction problem.
The difference is the answer in a subtraction problem.