To summarise data and present them in a form that are more easily understood.
tables, diagrams, bar graphs, forms, maps
true A+
Five ways to record data are tables, picture graphs, T charts, bar graphs, and writing the information down bulleted style.
ok they are used by lines and dots and boxes to help you scientifically.
Tables and graphs are visual representations. They are used to organize information to show patterns and relationships. A graph shows this information by representing it as a shape. You're Welcome :)
Tables and graphs are used to present data in an easier to view and analyze format.
Microsoft office excel
tables, diagrams, bar graphs, forms, maps
Tables and graphs allow data to be more easily understood visually.
i really dont no
The following graphics are nonrepresentational: tables, forms, bar graphs, line graphs, pie graphs and instrument gauges.
Tables and graphs are useful because they help u visual and representation and organize information to show patterns andrelationship.