The sum of any four odd numbers will never be equal to an odd number.
No odd numbers are multiples of 4.
Two even numbers never, NEVER equal an odd number. For example, 2+2=4, 150+68= 218, 1,000,000+2= 1,000,002. However, two odd numbers equal an even number. For example, 13+45= 58. It is the same when multiplying negatives and postitives, as seen in Pre Algebra.
There aren't any odd numbers divisible by 4, much less consecutive ones.
odd even numbers end in 0 2 4 6 8 odd numbers end in 1 3 5 7 9 53 ends in 3 so is odd
This is not possible, 27 is an odd number, 4 odd numbers will always equal an even number.
The sum of any four odd numbers will never be equal to an odd number.
The sum of any four odd numbers will never be equal to an odd number.
2 odd numbers added together equal an event number. to even numbers added together equal an even number. it is impossible to make 4 odd numbers equal an even.
"Even" and "odd" refer only to whole numbers. So the answer to the question is "no".
There is no set of four consecutive numbers (odd or even) whose sum equals 169.
Adding 4 odd numbers together will always equal an even number - got ya!
You cannot add 4 odd NUMBERS to make an odd number, so you have to think 1 + 3 + 15 = 19. There are other similar solutions...
4 × 9 × 19