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Call 230.charges are 5rs+tax
you mean the 5rs reduce reuse recycle rethink
You are saving 5Rs at a 25% discount.
*131*balance*no of the prsn ur trnsfrng# ex:- *131*10*9565000000# credit limit minimum 5rs maximum 30rs.
*131*balance*no of the prsn ur trnsfrng# ex:- *131*10*9565000000# credit limit minimum 5rs maximum 30rs.
P stands for purpose,s stands for survey of question and 5rs stands for read selectively,recite,record,reflect and review.
There is no answer as expressed, since it is not a question. Are you trying to simplify it? 9r2s + 4rs + 5s2 - 9s2 - 9r2 - 5rs - s2 + 2r2s + 4rs + 2s2 = (9 + 2)r2s + (4 - 5 + 4)rs + (5 - 9 - 1 + 2)s2 = 11r2s + 3rs -3s2 = s(11r2 + 3r -3s)
The English football team who has 5 R's in the conference league is Kidderminster Harriers. A English football team that has four R's in its name is the Tranmere Rovers.
For the most common size that you would be doing it in. Line it with a 3RL, and then do your edges with 5RS. Then do the middle fill with a 15RS. The bigger the letters, the bigger the shade needle size and in some instances, the liner as well.
15rr+2rs-ssaxx+bx+ca=15b=2c=-1Multiply a and c:15*-1=-15Find multiples of ac that add up to b (d,e [ie de=ac, d+e=b]):15=3*5-15=-3*5, -5*3Rewrite axx+bx+c into axx+dx+ex+c:15rr+2rs-ss15rr-3rs+5rs-ssFactor sets of terms (ie axx+dx, and ex+c):15rr-3rs+5rs-ss3r(5r-s)+s(5r+s)Combine like terms:3r(5r-s)+s(5r+s)(5r-s)(3r+s)