Pi is 3.141592 For the first problem:
There is a balloon holding up the Pi sign. Click the balloon to pop the balloon. Click the clock to continue.
For the second problem:
Drag the beads into the arc in the order of the rainbow starting with red. AKA red orange yellow green blue purple violet
For the third problem:
This is difficult. You need to know the day of pi. Saturday march 14, 1592.
Below I have posted a link to the answers for the UKMT mathematical challenge 2007. Hope this helps :)
Pi Day is March 14th because the first thee digits of pi are 3.14
I have added a link below to the answers. :)
Get all uvvum here:www.whsmath.org/mathclub/PiDayChallengeAnswers.pdf
This would depend on the trivia game. On Pi Day many classes develop trivia games. You could try looking up the individual questions. This must allow you to be more successful on your search for answers.
This has an infinite number of answers, for example: pi / 1, (2 x pi) / 2, 1 / (1/pi), etc.This has an infinite number of answers, for example: pi / 1, (2 x pi) / 2, 1 / (1/pi), etc.This has an infinite number of answers, for example: pi / 1, (2 x pi) / 2, 1 / (1/pi), etc.This has an infinite number of answers, for example: pi / 1, (2 x pi) / 2, 1 / (1/pi), etc.
Pi day is on March 14th, because Pi=3.14 It is just a day to celebrate pi
The celebration day of pi (3.14159265...)
There are not any answers to the pi scavenger hunt online. Students will need to see the teacher if they are not able to locate the answers within the course materials and books.
Pi Day is on march 14(3.14)
Below I have posted a link to the answers for the UKMT mathematical challenge 2007. Hope this helps :)