An octal number is a number that uses base-eight notation instead of base-ten. This means that instead of having the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, it only uses the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. The digits 8 and nine are not used. This doesn't mean that those numbers can't be expressed though, it simply means that they are expressed differently. In octal, the value eight would be expressed as "10" and the value nine as "11".
There are none, apart from the fact that people are not familiar with them. Also, there is a risk of confusion with decimal numbers.
7 and 0
The Octal number system is a numeral system based on the number 8 (as opposed to 10). Interestingly, the cultures that have adopted this system count using the spaces between their fingers instead of the individual fingers themselves.
No - octal numbers use only the digits 0-7.
.. octal adj. Of, relating to, or based on the number eight: an octal number ... isthe base-8 number system,
The number of digits required to store a number in binary is substantially greater than that required in octal and even larger than in hex.
Don't know; don't have any friends
8 in octal, 16 in hexadecimal.
There are none, apart from the fact that people are not familiar with them. Also, there is a risk of confusion with decimal numbers.
Memory dump which are in binary numbers would have many numbers of 0s and 1s. working with these numbers would be very difficult. Hence two number system hexadecimal and octal number system is used because these numbers are inter convertible with binary numbers by the concept of bits.
378 is not a valid octal number. Octal (base 8) uses digits 0-7.
For the decimal number system . . . 'Ten'. For the binary number system . . . 'Two' For the octal number system . . . 'Eight' For the hexidecimal number system . . . 'Sixteen' . . etc.
The radix refers to the base of a number system: the total number of possible digits. The decimal number system that we all use is base ten, as it has ten distinct digits (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). Commonly used bases in computing include binary, octal, and hexadecimal, which have two, eight, and sixteen digits, respectively.
The octa or octal numeral system, which is also known as oct, is a base-8 number system used in computers. This number system uses only digits 0 to 7.