1 million numbers takes 512 pages and even that's too big for this website...
you would need 976743 pages to get the first five billion numbers of pi.
To write -5 billion in numbers, you would use the negative sign "-" followed by the numerical value "5" and then the term "billion." This would be written as "-5,000,000,000" in standard numerical form. The comma is used to separate groups of three digits for easier readability.
The first 10 digits are 3.1415926535 (rounds to 3.1415926536) and these are sufficient for all but the most rigorous calculations. There is a text file available at the related link that has the first billion (takes at least 35 seconds to load, but as long as 5 minutes). A character in an ASCII text file is one byte, so a trillion digits is a terabyte... no one has such a file available for download. A customized compression routine could easily get this down to a half-byte per digit, but that's still hundreds of gigabytes for a trillion digits. The field size of this page cannot accommodate even the first 200,000 digits. (There's no reason to try to find a repeating pattern, because there isn't one. Pi is an irrational number so will not repeat digits as in a fractional division. This also means it doesn't compress terribly well.) NOTE: You can calculate the circumference of the observable universe to the accuracy of the diameter of a single atom with 34 digits of pi, so you probably don't need any more. If you want them just because you're curious, there's a link in the Related Links section to the page of someone who has calculated pi to ten trillion digits. The file containing these is terabytes in size, so it's not available for download, but the program used to calculate them is so you can run it yourself if you've got a few months and a very large disk to spare.
Expressed in digits, this is equal to 2000003000009506.
The first 5 digits of pie are 3.1415"Product" is the result of an multiplication problem, meaning you must multiply them together.3*1*4*1*5The answer is 60.
1.1538350681.15383 (rounded)(((pi).5).5).5 = (pi).125 = 1.1538
In 1805 it was declared by Alex Norburtun that the first five digits of pi are 3.1415
3.1415 While true, pi to 5 significant digits is actually 3.1416!
3.1415, but it rounds to 3.1416
The fifth digit of pi is 5. The first 10 digits are 3.141592653
There is 5 trillion digits of pi.
At a guess, less than 5%.
Savannah, Georgia
Those are the first six digits of pi. Pi ~= 3.141592653... etc
The first 50 are:3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
Pi is infinite & digits never end. 3.14159 are amongst the first. * * * * * The answer given above is for pi. The question was about phi - which is usually used to indicate the Golden Ratio! Like pi, phi is irrational - but unlike pi, is not transcendental. Phi = [1 + sqrt(5)]/2 = 1.61803 approx.