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Q: What are the odds of a number greater than 5 when a die is rolled?
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What is the probability that the number rolled will be greater that 4?

The probability that the number rolled, on a fair, six sided die, will be greater than 4 is 1/3.The probability that the number rolled, on a fair, six sided die, will be greater than 4 is 1/3.The probability that the number rolled, on a fair, six sided die, will be greater than 4 is 1/3.The probability that the number rolled, on a fair, six sided die, will be greater than 4 is 1/3.

If a number cube is rolled what is the probability that the number rolled will be greater than 3?

It is 1/2 if it is a fair number cube which is rolled once.

What are the odds if rolling a number greater than 5 on a die?

1 out of 6

A die is tossed. Find the odds against rolling a number greater than 1.?

The probability of rolling a number greater than 1 is 5/6.

What are odds of rolling a number greater than 3 on a dice?

How many sides? If 6, 50%.If 20, 80%

Two dice are rolled what are the odds against a sum greater than 8?

Well each dice has the possibility of 6. So the highest number would be 12. 12, 11, 10, and 9 are higher than 8.... And odds against means the # of unfavorable over favorable. So... Unfavorable would be 7 #'s and favorable is 5 so it would be 7/5.

Find the probability of getting a number greater than 5 when a die is rolled one time?

The probability is 1/6.

What are the odds in favor of getting a number greater than 4 on a dice?

2/6 or 1/3 or 0.3333333333... Or 33.33...%

What are the odds of getting a number greater than 4 on a dice?

On a single roll of a fair die, the probability is 1/3.

If a die is rolled one time find the probability of getting a number greater than 2?


A number cube with faces 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 is rolled what is the probablility of rolling a number greater than 3?


When fair cube is rolled what percent is greater than 4?

In the long run, 33.33... % should be greater than 4.