the parts of division problem are : dividend , divisor , quotient and remainder .
where : dividend = quotient * divisor + remainder
divisor and dividend and quosient
quotient,divisor, and dividend and remainder
a quotient is the answer to a division problem. The divisor is the number of parts you divide the dividend by. The dividend is the number you are dividing.
Dividend divided by divisor equals quotient.
The answer to a division problem is a quotient. Other parts of a division problem are called diviser and dividend. The answer to a divide question is called the quotient. For example, in the expression 14 / 2 = 7, 7 is the quotient.
your really stupid
divisor and dividend and quosient
quotient,divisor, and dividend and remainder
a quotient is the answer to a division problem. The divisor is the number of parts you divide the dividend by. The dividend is the number you are dividing.
Dividend divided by divisor equals quotient.
The dividend is inside, the divisor is outside, and the answer is the quotient.
The answer to a division problem is a quotient. Other parts of a division problem are called diviser and dividend. The answer to a divide question is called the quotient. For example, in the expression 14 / 2 = 7, 7 is the quotient.
The answer to a division problem is called a quotient or divide. The answer to a division problem is called a quotient or divide.
the answer to a division problem
Divisor, Dividend, Quotient, Remainder Divsion can be likened to successive subtraction.
Dividend divided by divisor equals quotient.