a quotient is the answer to a division problem. The divisor is the number of parts you divide the dividend by. The dividend is the number you are dividing.
To check the answer to a division question, multply the divisor (the number that is being divided into the dividend) and the quotient (the answer). If there is a remainder, add the remainder to the answer. If the number matches the dividend, your answer to the division problem is correct.
How do you use division to solve a multiplication equation?Answer this question…
The answer to a division problem is a quotient. Other parts of a division problem are called diviser and dividend. The answer to a divide question is called the quotient. For example, in the expression 14 / 2 = 7, 7 is the quotient.
You get a quotient of 23 when the answer to a division question is 23.
A division question is called a dividend divided by a divisor to get a quotient.
It is a quotient.
The quotient is the answer to a division question.
Be more specific. It actually depends what your division problem is. Example: the question for 16 and 4 would be, "What does 16 divided by 4 equal?" Answer your question?
To check the answer to a division question, multply the divisor (the number that is being divided into the dividend) and the quotient (the answer). If there is a remainder, add the remainder to the answer. If the number matches the dividend, your answer to the division problem is correct.
How do you use division to solve a multiplication equation?Answer this question…
It can be either. The answer to this question depends on the context of the question.
The answer to a division problem is a quotient. Other parts of a division problem are called diviser and dividend. The answer to a divide question is called the quotient. For example, in the expression 14 / 2 = 7, 7 is the quotient.
You get a quotient of 23 when the answer to a division question is 23.
It depends on what the question is!
a quotient ( kwo shent )