I dont think that "If four points are collinear they are also coplaner," is the same thing as "If four points are coplaner they are also collinear,". The definition of collinear is at least three points on the same line. To define a plane is to have threenoncollinear points.
i dont understand
I DONT KNOW ! bahaaa ! < this guy is a mean idiot. The answer is called the product< this guy isnt a mean idiot :)
It is a pro hormone called epistaneNo you dont have a. . .
I Dont Know Try Searching It On Google
yes but i dont know what its called
Theyre called vertices! I dont understand what you mean by how you label it...
A coward
its true i just toke a test on this
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i dont know what country youre talking about, judging by the name (no offense) but I'm pretty sure it was Wilt Chamberlain with 100 points for the NBA
but you dont get points in lockerz
no it dont have any points
they havent used "points" in a long time.... they all have electronic ignition now. best to leave that job to a mechanic if you dont know what your looking for.....
They each have their good and bad points, i dont think there is a best or a worst but withever one you personaly like best since each of them is a tad bit differant.
bullet points or in paragrapths but make sure you dont just keep on blubbering on.
no you dont lose your points but if you win it then yes