There is no such regular polygon; 288 is bigger than 180 and cannot be an interior angle unless you change the rules of geometry. Just try and draw a picture.
are you asking for the angle measure of an angle inside a polygon? Not sure what you want to know.
either an obtuse, acute, or right angle
the circle has equidistance and it has no angle and sides while the polygon has sides and angle
If each interior angle is 175 degrees then the polygon will have 72 sides
The interior angle of the polygon must divide 2*pi radians (360 degrees) exactly.
Any angle can cut a polygon.Any angle can cut a polygon.Any angle can cut a polygon.Any angle can cut a polygon.
An angle is a measurement of degrees and as such it is not a polygon.
An exterior angle of a polygon is the supplement of the corresponding interior angle. The exterior angle is the angle between an extended sides of the polygon and the next side of the polygon.
There is no such regular polygon; 288 is bigger than 180 and cannot be an interior angle unless you change the rules of geometry. Just try and draw a picture.
are you asking for the angle measure of an angle inside a polygon? Not sure what you want to know.
An internal angle of the polygon.
Any irregular polygon can have an exterior angle measuring 60 degrees.Any irregular polygon can have an exterior angle measuring 60 degrees.Any irregular polygon can have an exterior angle measuring 60 degrees.Any irregular polygon can have an exterior angle measuring 60 degrees.
A regular polygon cannot have an internal angle of 10 degrees and any irregular polygon can.A regular polygon cannot have an internal angle of 10 degrees and any irregular polygon can.A regular polygon cannot have an internal angle of 10 degrees and any irregular polygon can.A regular polygon cannot have an internal angle of 10 degrees and any irregular polygon can.
It is called an exterior angle.