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the circle has equidistance and it has no angle and sides while the polygon has sides and angle

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Q: What is the difference between polygon and circle?
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What is the difference between a circle and a rhombus?

a circle is a curved shape with no angels and a rhombus is a polygon with four angles

What is the difference between a point and a polygon?

A point and most of the time meets, a polygon is a circle thing that meets at some point!

What is the difference between inscribed and circumscribed?

== == Inscribed is a polygon inside a circle with all points on a given point in the circle. Circumscribed is a circle inside a polygon with any given point touching just one point on the polygon. Hope this helped.

What is the largest number of sides a regular polygon can have?

Effectively, the answer is that a regular polygon could have an infinite number of sides. However, when the number of sides reaches a thousand or so there is very little difference to the naked eye between such a polygon and a circle. For information : Some of the early calculations for pi were based on the very small difference between a polygon with a very large number of sides and a circle.

What polygon fits a 22 feet circle?

A polygon with any number of sides will fit the 22ft circle. The more sides your polygon has, the less the area between the circle and the polygon..

What is the polygon of a circle?

A circle is not a polygon.

Is an circle a polygon?

No, a circle is not a polygon

How can a circle be a polygon?

A circle can be a polygon. Sometimes a circle can be a polygon that has infinite number of sides.

A circle inside a polygon where each side of the polygon is tangent to the circle?

the circle is inscribed in the polygon

What is a circumscribed polygon?

A circumscribed polygon is a polygon all of whose vertices are on the circumference of a circle. The circle is called the circumscribing circle and the radius of the circle is the circumradius of the polygon.

Can a circle be a polygon?

a polygon is a multi-sided shape, therefore a circle is not a polygon.

What is the name of a 100000 sided polygon?

Nobody would notice the difference if you called it a circle!