The thousands digit is 4 left of the decimal point and the ones digit is the digit to the left of the decimal point.
In a whole number the decimal point is not written and can be considered as "hiding" after the last digit - the ones digit.
The number 19,955,623 has eight places. In order from right to left they are: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, and millions. The number 6 is third from the right and therefore occupies the hundreds place.
How to get 739,652 as the answer what is the number that has 652 in the ones period and 739 in the thousands period? to the right of the comma is ones period to the left is thousands period
The number is 1193.
The number is 8,413
2 thousands: 2 × 1000 - 2,000 1 fewer hundreds than thousands: 2 - 1 = 1 hundred: 1 × 100 = 100 4 more tens than hundreds: 1 + 4 = 5 tens: 5 × 10 = 50 same number of ones as thousands: 2 ones: 2 × 1 = 2 → the number is 2000 + 100 + 50 + 2 = 2152.
knowing the places of where the number is the value of what the digit is whether it be in the millions, thousands, or ones places...
There is no four digit number where the ones is twice the tens, the hundreds is five less than the ones, and the thousands is the sum of the tens and hundreds. int ones, tens, hundreds, thousands; for (thousands=1; thousands<10; thousands++) { /**/ for (hundreds=0; hundreds<10; hundreds++) { /**/ /**/ for (tens=0; tens<10; tens++) { /**/ /**/ /**/ for (ones=0; ones<10; ones++) { /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ if (ones != 2 * tens) break; /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ if (hundreds != ones - 5) break; /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ if (thousands != tens + hundreds) break; /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ printf ("dd\n", thousands, hundreds, tens, ones); /**/ /**/ /**/ } /**/ /**/ } /**/ } }
The number 19,955,623 has eight places. In order from right to left they are: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, and millions. The number 6 is third from the right and therefore occupies the hundreds place.
How to get 739,652 as the answer what is the number that has 652 in the ones period and 739 in the thousands period? to the right of the comma is ones period to the left is thousands period
In 557,995 the number 7 is in the thousands column. Start from the right and work to the left, the number places are units, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands.
The places are always the same no matter what the digits are. The value is obtained by multiplying the place times the digit. Starting from the right, the places in an 8-digit number are ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions and ten millions.
The number 1.500.000 is not a real number. You need commas to indicate the separation between ones, thousands, and millions places... like this 1,500,000Therefore 2.25% of 1,500,000 is 33,750
3 is in the ten thousands place. The places, from right to left, are as follows: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions.