699 comes before and 701 comes after
To find the numbers between 1 and 700 that are divisible by 3, we need to identify the multiples of 3 within that range. The first multiple of 3 is 3, and the last multiple below 700 is 699. To find the total count of numbers divisible by 3, we can use the formula (last number - first number) / 3 + 1. Applying this formula, we get (699 - 3) / 3 + 1 = 232 numbers between 1 and 700 that are divisible by 3.
525 is halfway between 350 and 700.
699 comes before and 701 comes after
Any number that is 650-699 can be rounded up to 700. Also any number that is 701-749 can be rounded down to 700. This works if you are rounding by the hundreds place.
To find the numbers between 1 and 700 that are divisible by 3, we need to identify the multiples of 3 within that range. The first multiple of 3 is 3, and the last multiple below 700 is 699. To find the total count of numbers divisible by 3, we can use the formula (last number - first number) / 3 + 1. Applying this formula, we get (699 - 3) / 3 + 1 = 232 numbers between 1 and 700 that are divisible by 3.
There are infinitely many of them. For example,699 995.00000000000001699 995.00000000000001002699 995.000000000000010021699 995.000000000000010022699 995.0000000000000100223321699 995.000000000000010023699 995.000000000000010027699 995.0000000000000100275654656565699 995.0009700 010.001
950 - 999 rounds to 1000; 750 - 799 rounds 800; and 650 - 699 rounds to 700