Well, isn't that a happy little math problem! Let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of numbers. If we add 5613 and 5614 together, they create a lovely sum of 11227. Just like painting, sometimes all we need is a gentle touch to reveal the hidden beauty right in front of us.
There are no four consecutive whole numbers that add up to 35. The sum of two consecutive [whole] numbers is an even number plus an odd number which is an odd number. The sum of two consecutive numbers and the two next consecutive numbers is the sum of two odd numbers which is even, but 35 is odd, so no four consecutive whole numbers cannot add up to 35.
Consecutive whole numbers will have an odd sum. Consecutive odd numbers, or consecutive prime numbers, will be 29 and 31.
The sum of consecutive integers will always be odd. Consecutive odd numbers will be even. 299 + 301 = 600
Two consecutive numbers (pressumably integers) will always add up to an odd number, so this has no solution. If you mean "two consecutive even numbers" or "two consecutive odd numbers", you should quickly be able to find a solution by trial-and-error.
not wiki user but the donkey user
Well, isn't that a happy little math problem! Let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of numbers. If we add 5613 and 5614 together, they create a lovely sum of 11227. Just like painting, sometimes all we need is a gentle touch to reveal the hidden beauty right in front of us.
There are no four consecutive whole numbers that add up to 35. The sum of two consecutive [whole] numbers is an even number plus an odd number which is an odd number. The sum of two consecutive numbers and the two next consecutive numbers is the sum of two odd numbers which is even, but 35 is odd, so no four consecutive whole numbers cannot add up to 35.
I am not sure if any two consecutive numbers can add up to an even number.
Consecutive whole numbers will have an odd sum. Consecutive odd numbers, or consecutive prime numbers, will be 29 and 31.
20 + 19 = 39The two consecutive numbers that add up to 39 are 19 and 20.
Consecutive numbers will always total an odd number. Consecutive odd numbers or consecutive primes would be 5 and 7.
The sum of consecutive integers will always be odd. Consecutive odd numbers will be even. 299 + 301 = 600
Two consecutive numbers (pressumably integers) will always add up to an odd number, so this has no solution. If you mean "two consecutive even numbers" or "two consecutive odd numbers", you should quickly be able to find a solution by trial-and-error.
None exist. 100 is an even number and two consecutive integers can only add up to an odd number. This is because only 2 evens can add up to an even number and no two even numbers are consecutive. (or two odds, but no two odd numbers are consecutive either)
Well, butter my biscuits! The two consecutive 4-digit numbers that add up to 9173 are 4586 and 4587. It's as simple as that, sugar!