If the number to the right of the place value, in which you are rounding to, is 4 or less, you round down. If the number to the right of the place value, in which you are rounding to, is 5 or more, you round down.
That depends on how you are rounding: Rounding up = 6.33 Rounding down = 6.32 Rounding nearest = 6.32
Rounding to two decimal places - it would be 5.50
It depends on what you are rounding by. If you are rounding by ten-thousands=80000 If you are rounding by thousands=85000 If you are rounding by hundreds=84700 If you are rounding by tens=84650
The answer to an addition question should have no more decimal places than the smallest number of decimal places in the numbers being added. When rounding numbers, numbers 5 though 9 will be rounded up and 1 through 4 will be rounded down.
Rounding DecimalsWhen rounding decimals, you have to remember these rules: If the digit to the right of the place you are rounding to is 4 or less, leave the number in the place you are rounding to the same and change all digits to the right of it to zeros.If the digit to the right of the place you are rounding to is 5 or more, round the number in the place you are rounding to to the next higher digit and change all the digits to the right of it to zeros.To round 4.5 to the nearest whole number, look at the digit in the tenth's place. Since it is a 5, round the 4 to a 5. Your answer is 5, or you could write it as 5.0.If you're rounding to decimal places, you can leave the zeros to the right off in your answer. For example, if you're rounding 6.849 to hundredths place, you could write the answer as 6.85 instead of 6.850 because the zeros are not needed.
Rounding numbers is easy because their are two rules to rounding numbers. 1) a </= 4 then a = 0 2) a >/= 5 then a = 10
Round to the nearest decimal
When rounding GPA, typically round to the nearest hundredth (two decimal places). If the third decimal place is 5 or higher, round up. If it is less than 5, round down.
Add your whole numbers
Only if you are rounding up to the nearest dollar. Normal rounding rules would make it 40.
Using rounding rules, 13 is the nearest kilo.
That depends on the rounding rules used.
That depends on how you are rounding: Rounding up = 6.33 Rounding down = 6.32 Rounding nearest = 6.32
There are no set rules about rounding numbers, so when rounding numbers, mathematical rules about rounding can be used. For example, 14 would be rounded to 10, but 15 would be rounded to 20. For another example, 1144 is rounded to 1140 and 1145 is rounded to 1150.
See related link below for a good explanation
5 or more round up