A half dollar and a nickel. One of them isn't a nickel, the other one is.
Half Dollar, and A Nickel.
A 50 cent piece and a nickel.
6 A 'quarter'and 5 'one cents'
You have two coins - A and BOnly one of them (say A) is not a nickel, that one is a 50cThe other one (B) is a nickel.Look at it from this angle.... we all have 2 parents, and one of them is not a man.
2 quarters, 5 pennies
Half Dollar, and A Nickel.
One is a half dollar and the other is a nickel. You have two coins, ONE is not a nickel, but the other one is!
A half dollar and a nickel. One of them isn't a nickel, the other one is.
A 50 cent piece and a nickel.
The actual wording of this puzzle is "What two coins equal 55 cents if one of them is not a nickel?"The answer of course is a half dollar and a nickel. The half is the coin that's not a nickel.
6 A 'quarter'and 5 'one cents'
A fifty cent piece and a nickel equals 55 cents. If it's a riddle stating, "I have two coins that equals 55 cents, and one is not a nickel", the answer is still a fifty cent coin and a nickel. One is not a nickel, but the other one is.
The other coin is the half-dollar coin.
55 = 5 + 50 nickel and half dollar
You will make 55 cents with 12 coins by using 5 pennies, 3 dimes, and 4 nickels.5 pennies, 3 dimes, and 4 nickels will make 55 cents with 12 coins.
The other is a half dollar. The riddle only says that one coin can't be a nickel, not both.
To make 55 cents with 15 coins you will use 10 pennies, 1 quarter, and 4 nickles.