DPC is damp proof course to prevent water getting into the interior of the building. Vertical allows the water to pass up or down while horizontal allows it to pass left or right.
Horizontal is X-Axis and Vertical is Y-Axis.
An antonym for the word 'vertical' is 'horizontal'
A vertical line goes North And South and a horizontal line goes East And West.
Rows are always horizontal, and columns are vertical. It's easier to remember when you think of rows of seats (like in a sports stadium) which are horizontal, and buildings have tall columns, which are vertical.
Damp proofing course. A damp-proof course (DPC) is a barrier through the structure by capillary action such as through a phenomenon known as rising damp. Rising damp is the effect of water rising from the ground into your property. The damp proof course may be horizontal or vertical.
DPC(damproof course) is an horizontal barrier in a wall designed to prevent moisture rising from the structute of the capilary action.
Vertical is up and horizontal is across
Vertical and horizontal
vertical and horizontal
No. Up-down is vertical. Horizontal is perpendicular to vertical.
The y axis is vertical and the x axis is horizontal.
vertical distribution and horizontal distribution strategy Spell check your answer
Nevada's horizontal width and vertical length is ...
what is the difference between vertical and horizontal timeline
horizontal is side to side vertical is up and down