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Q: What is horizontal dpc?
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What are vertical and horizontal DPC?

DPC is damp proof course to prevent water getting into the interior of the building. Vertical allows the water to pass up or down while horizontal allows it to pass left or right.

What is the difference between DPC AND DPM?

DPC(damproof course) is an horizontal barrier in a wall designed to prevent moisture rising from the structute of the capilary action.

What is full form of DPC in banking?


What is the definition of DPC?

Damp proofing course. A damp-proof course (DPC) is a barrier through the structure by capillary action such as through a phenomenon known as rising damp. Rising damp is the effect of water rising from the ground into your property. The damp proof course may be horizontal or vertical.

What is the full form of dpc?

Full form of DPC is Damp Proff Course which will be applied at the baement level or preventing dampness to the building..

What are the safety requirements for dpc?

There is not a safety requirment for this product

What height should dpc be above ground level?

According to Building Control Regulations, the DPC should be a minimum of 150mm above external finished ground level.

What are the release dates for LiL DPC 2 The Life of a Don - 2011?

LiL DPC 2 The Life of a Don - 2011 was released on: USA: 24 April 2011 (internet)

What is the meaning of 'DPC' on a bank statement?

DCP is an abbreviation for District Credit Plan/s.

What are the release dates for LiL DPC The World of Richard P- Cummings Jr- - 2010?

LiL DPC The World of Richard P- Cummings Jr- - 2010 was released on: USA: 25 November 2010 (New York City, New York)

What is damp proof course in construction?

Damp proofing is waterproofing applied to foundation walls to prevent moisture from passing through the walls into interior spaces of a buildingDamp-Proof Course (DPC) - A horizontal barrier designed to resist moisture rising through the structure by capillary action - a phenomenon known as rising damp

Coal India limited when conduct dpc for um e2 mining?

in the month of april 2012