Twenty Eight in words
28 in Decimal
1C in Hex
34 in Octal
00011100 in Binary
XVIII in Roman Numeral
you can write that answer a thousand million ways!
As many as you want. An unlimited number of ways.
You can write 100 an infinite number of ways; as fractions, multiples, notations, and others.
write five names for 64
As many as you want.
you can write that answer a thousand million ways!
28, 44, 655360.5
Decimal 28 is 11100 in binary
The number 28 is written as XXVIII in Roman numerals.
to get the answer of 28 there are two ways there is 2 times 14 there is also 7 times 4 those are the wo ways to get 28.
As many as you want. An unlimited number of ways.
u can write it as a mixed number or a whole number
There are three ways you can write the number 10. You can use X, as in Roman numerals, ten, or 10.
You can write 100 an infinite number of ways; as fractions, multiples, notations, and others.
write five names for 64
As many as you want.
28/11 = 2 and 6/11