Horizontal- DECK, BOX, BED. Vertical- MOM, COD, TOM, HIT
The capital letter H does B, C, D, E, H, I, K, O, and X have a horizontal symmetry line.
Symmetry means if a straight line is drawn through a picture(horizontal, vertical, diagonally, ect.), the sides will look identical. For example the capital letters: M, A, Y, H, W, O, U, T, V, I, and X; if you draw a vertical line the two side will look the same.
A,H,I,M,N,O,T,U,V,W,X,Y, and Z * * * * * N and Z do not.
No, it does not. If you draw a horizontal line through it ("deed") you won't see the symmetry. But if you make "DEED" by capitalizing the letters, yes it will. Draw a line left to right through the middle of the letters and you have a line of horizontal symmetry.
Horizontal- DECK, BOX, BED. Vertical- MOM, COD, TOM, HIT
A, K, M, N, R, V, W, X (possibly), Y (possibly), Z
Capital h, i, o, t, x.
the letters are : E
Only vertical: A, M, T, U, V, W, Y Only horizontal: B, C, D, E, K Both vertical and horizontal: H, I, O, X
Letters with both horizontal and vertical symmetry are: (lower case) - lox (upper case) - HIOX
H,I,X,O have symmetry both vertically and horizontally.
I, O, l, and H
Letters that have a vertical line symmetry: WTYUIOAHXVM Letters that have a horizontal Line symmetry: EIODHKCB
The states that have reflectional symmetry when written vertically in capital letters is Hawaii, Ohio, Iowa, and Utah. * * * * * A does not have horizontal symmetry - it has a vertical axis of symmetry. So only OHIO remains.