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That means that some energy is wasted. For example, it is quite common for part of the input energy to be converted into useless heat.

A drastic example is a traditional incandescent light bulb. Something like 5% of the energy gets converted into visible light. The remainder is radiated mainly as infrared - that is, heat radiation.

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Q: What causes the efficency of a machine to be less than 100 percent?
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If the output work of a simple machine is than input work the machine is said to have less than 100 percent efficiency?

No, a simple machine with less output work than input work is said to have less than 100 percent efficiency. Efficiency is a measure of how well a machine converts input work into output work, with 100 percent efficiency meaning that all input work is converted to useful output work.

Why a normal machine could not have the mechanical efficiency of 100?

Because there is always going to be friction, the efficiency of any machine will always be less then 100 percent.

If load varies than efficency?

If loads varies then efficiency is less steeply than efficiency. This is taught in science.

If the output work of a simple machine is than the input work the machine is said to have less than 100 percent efficiency?


The output work of a simple machine is than input work the machine is said to have less than 100 percent efficiency?

so wut exactly is ur question?

How does the output work compare to the input work for a machine that has an efficiency to less than 100 percent?

Then the output work is less than the input work. That description applies to every machine that has ever been built or will ever be built.

The efficiency of an actual machine is always less than what percent?

The efficiency of an actual machine is always less than 100 percent, as no machine can convert all input energy into useful output energy due to factors like friction, heat loss, and inefficiencies in the system.

Why cant a machine put as much energy out as you put in?

A machine cannot output as much energy as you input due to energy losses in the form of heat, friction, and other inefficiencies. These losses cause some of the input energy to be converted into forms that are not useful for the desired output. This limitation is known as the second law of thermodynamics.

What 2 things cause a simple machine to be less than 100 percent effiecient?

Friction between moving parts can cause energy loss in a simple machine, reducing its efficiency below 100 percent. Additionally, external factors such as air resistance or other forms of resistance can also contribute to energy losses in a simple machine.

The efficiency of a machine is always less than 100 percent because?

some energy is always lost to factors like friction, heat, and sound during the operation of a machine, reducing its efficiency below 100%.

Is it true that work output of a machine is always less than work input because of energy lost due to friction?

Yes, it is true. Due to factors such as friction, heat generation, and other inefficiencies in the machine, some of the input energy is always lost to the surroundings rather than being converted into useful work output, resulting in the work output being less than the work input.

Why is mechanical efficiency always less than 100 percent?

That simply means that some energy is lost, due to friction and other causes.