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Math Grade 9

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Q: What class in school do you learn pi?
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What is the answer for pi?

'pi' is an IRRATIONAL number. This means that its decimal digits go to infinity and the digits are not in any regulr order. Super Duper Computers have calculated 'pi' to more than 50 billion places, and stil going. However, for school work , pi is 3.14, 3.1416, 22/7 These are only approximate values. 'pi' has been known from pre-Classical history . It was found that the circulaference of a circle was always directly proportional to its diameter. The Constant of PROPORTION is 'pi'. 'pi' is the Classical Greek samll /lower case letter 'p' and stands for propotion. The circle equations you should learn in school are ;- C = pi d ( circumference and diamter) C = 2 pi r (circumference and radius) A = pi r^(2). ( Area and radius squared).

What math do you learn in grade 9?

It depends on what the school prefers. I would think that 9th graders in a school for kids with learning disabilities normally learn Pre-Algebra, or Algebra 1. For a 9th grade class in a mainstream school, I would think that most 9th graders would learn Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, or Trigonometry. I would think that Trigonometry is mostly for gifted 9th graders.

How many digits long is pi?

An INFINITE number. Computers have calculated 'pi' to billions of places and still going. However for everyday school learning pi = 3.14 or pi = 22/7 . For more accurate calculations pi = 3.1416 . This is used in science, technology and engineering.

What is the area of a circle with a radius 2.1 centimeters?

the area of a circle is represented by the following equation; A=pi*R2 where A is area, pi is the number pi (3.1415926.......for most high school maths, 3.14 is suitable) and R is the radius. So, square your radius, and multiply it by pi.

Why is circumference equal to 2 times Pi times r?

Circumference = pi times diameter or Circumference= two x pi x radius. Now remember the diameter of a circle is the straight line from one edge of the circle, through the centre to the opposite edge. The straight line from the edge to the centre is the radius, and then from the centre to the opposite edge is another radius. So the diameter is the length of two radii. Algebraically express as d = 2r. So Algebraically C = pi*d Substituting the 'd' for '2r' C = pi2r However in algebra coefficient numbers are expressed to the left. Hence C = 2pir Why 'C' is this expression I would have to go into some 'very heavy' differential calculus. Suffice it to say, the ancients found that the circumference traced by a donkey/mule driving water out of well was directly proportional to the diameter, twice the length of the tether(2 radii). From this they discovered that for however long the the tether and the circumference were. they had a constant of proportion C directly related to diameter. This is equated to C = kd And k = C/d , which was founf to be 3.141592..... which now call 'pi'. for any sized circle. So today in school you learn C = pi d or C = 2 pi r And for circular area(A) A = pi r^(2) The 'pi' youare given in school is proabably 3.14 , 3.1416 or 22/7 . However, these values are Approximatons, because 'pi' is an irrational number. Hope that helps!!!!!!

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