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Analog data

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Q: What data is represented by an infinite scale of values?
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What values must be considered when creating scale for each axis?

The range of values in the data to be plotted.

What computer measures data on a scale with many values?

Analog computer

What is an appropriate scale and interval for a data set in a table?

The answer will depend on the data values: there is no rule that fits all situations.

What is a continuous data?

a piece of data that keeps changing like someones height or shoe size. * * * * * NO. Continuous data are those that can take all possible values within some given range (which may be infinite), or set of ranges. Discrete data, on the other hand, can only take values from a set (again, possibly infinite). These are usually integer values, but not necessarily so. Height is a continuous variable, but shoe size is a discrete variable.

Is it possible to calculate the coefficient of variation using relative values instead of absolute values?

The coefficient of variation should be computed only for data measured on a ratio scale, as the coefficient of variation may not have any meaning for data on an interval scale. Using relative values instead of absolute values can cause the formula to give an incorrect answer.

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What does analogue data mean?

Analogue data is data in a continuous stream that has an infinite range of values that change gradually. One example of analogue data is the sound of a person talking. We are capable of handling analogue data, yet computers require analogue data to be converted into digital data for processing.

What is Data that has infinitely many possible values that correspond to a scale that covers a range of values without gaps interruptions or jumps?

It can be data over any single interval in the set of real numbers.

What are the potential drawbacks or limitations of using a graph with negative values in data visualization?

Using a graph with negative values in data visualization can make it harder to interpret the data accurately. Negative values may distort the scale of the graph and make it challenging to compare different data points effectively. Additionally, negative values can sometimes be misleading or confusing for viewers, leading to misinterpretation of the data.

What is the significance of a shift to the left in a graph or data set?

A shift to the left in a graph or data set indicates a decrease or a negative change in the values being represented. It can signify a decrease in a variable or a shift towards lower values.

What is a data display in which the fequencies of different values are represented by small round points?

It could be a frequency chart.

What is ordinal statistics?

Ordinal statistics or data is classified as ordinal if the values can be rated on a scale or put i order. Ordinal data can be counted but never measured.