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Q: What is a negative logarithmic scale?
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What db has no sound?

A silent database, also known as a database with no sound, is a fictional term that does not exist in the context of databases. Databases store data and do not have any inherent sound or audio capabilities.

Can an earthquake have a negative measure on a Richter scale?

No, the Richter scale is a logarithmic scale that starts at zero and has no downward limit. Earthquakes cannot have negative magnitudes on the Richter scale.

how does the pH scale is a mathematical indicator of?

The pH is a measure of the activity of the ion H+ (the negative logarithm in base 10); the scale is logarithmic.

What does Richter scale measured in?

logarithmic scale

What do Richter scale measures?

logarithmic scale

Advantages of logarithmic scale over the linear scale?

Logarithmic will give a more define shape of the graph

What type of scale does a Richter scale use?

a logarithmic scale

What is the rleationship between luminosity and tempeature for stars on the main sequence?

On a logarithmic scale for luminosity, it is quite close to a negative linear relationship.

What are some common logarithmic scales?

The Decibal scale for sound measurement is an example of a logarithmic scale. The Richter scale, the pH scale, the magnitude scale for stars, the multiplicative scales on a slide rule

Why is a logarithmic scale used for antibody concentration?

From a math point of view, a logarithmic scale is used when there is a great range of values. Common example are the Ph scale for acidity, decibels for noise, and the Richter scale for earthquakes.

Why do scientists say the magnitude is measured on a logarithmic scale?

it isn't it is on the Richter scale

What is the logarithmic scale that measures sound level?
