7 days in a week x 24 hours/ day gives us the number of hours in a week.
Robert Haig Weitbrecht was born in Orange, California on April 11, 1920. He is the inventor of the modern-day Geiger counter. He also developed the teletypewriter or TTY. He passed away on May 19, 1983.
there are 24 hours in 1 day and 7 days a week, therefore 168 hours in 1 week.
12th June 1983 was a Sunday.
April 12th, 1861, was a Friday.
April 12th 1957 was a Friday.
April 12th, 1913 was a Saturday.
April 12th, 1945 fell on a Thursday.
April 12th 1947 fell on a Saturday.
April 12th, 1948 fell on a Monday.
April 12th, 1988 fell on a Tuesday.
April 12th, 1862 fell on a Saturday.
April 12th, 1928 fell on a Thursday.
October 12th 1983 was a Wednesday.