there are 24 hours in 1 day and 7 days a week, therefore 168 hours in 1 week.
It is 7 times greater because there are 7 days in one week.
7 days in a week x 24 hours/ day gives us the number of hours in a week.
24 hours in a day, times 7 days in a week = 168hours 100 hours is less than a week
Oct 7 1967 was a Saturday.
December 7 1967 was a Thursday.
February 7 1967 was a Tuesday.
February 7 1967 was a Tuesday.
7 January 1967 was a Saturday.
7 September 1967 was a Thursday.
August 7 1967 was a Monday.
February 7, 1967 fell on a Tuesday.
Dec 7, 1992 fell on a Monday .