238 ÷ 45 = 5.29 to two decimal places, or 5 times with a remainder of 13.
Multiply that number by the decimal equivalent of the percentage. 70% of 340 = 340 x 0.7 = 238
There are infinitely many possibilities: 1+239, 2+238, etc and 0.1+239.9, 0.2+239.8, etc and 0.01+239.99, 0.02+239.98, etc and then you can have triplets: 1+1+238, 1+2+237 etc and the same with fractions. And then you can add in negative numbers, and irrationals.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 119 and 238 is 238.
Today Romania is a small country: only an area of 238 391 km2.
238 X 01=238 However, it seems as if you mean 238 X 0.1 (with the decimal point) In which case 238 X 0.1 = 23.8
Whole numbers include 235, 236, 237, 238 and 239
235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 241, 242, 243, 244
Both the terms gram and ml is different from each other; and correlated with density. When we multiply volume into density then we get mass of that body. So whether or not 238 gram is bigger than 237ml is totally based on the density of that body.eg: for mercury(density-13.6gm/ml), weight of 238 gram is lesser than 237 ml.for oil(density-0.9gm/ml), weight of 238 gram is bigger than 237 ml.
238 ÷ 45 = 5.29 to two decimal places, or 5 times with a remainder of 13.
406 - 238 = 168
Uranium 238 is bombarded by neutrons, and forms Neptunium 238. Neptunium decays to form Plutonium 238.
Uranium 238 is bombarded by neutrons, and forms Neptunium 238. Neptunium decays to form Plutonium 238.
Well, say you are dividing 238 by 68%. To work it out you would have to divide 238 by 0.68 (the same as 23,800 divided by 68) and you would come up with 350 ...... All you have to do is convert the percentage into a decimal and then divide. You are finding the answer to the equation
3.141 592 653 589 793 238