The place value of 4 is 4 tens and the place value of 6 is 6 ones in the given number, i.e 46.
To express the number "2 hundreds, 5 ones, 9 tens, and 3 tenths" in standard form, you would write it as 259.3. This is because the number 2 represents the hundreds place, the number 5 represents the ones place, the number 9 represents the tens place, and the number 3 represents the tenths place. Therefore, the number can be written as 259.3.
In the number 495, the digit 9 is in the tens place. This means that the value of the 9 is 90, as it represents 9 tens. In the place value system, each place to the left of the decimal point represents a power of 10, with the rightmost place being the ones place, then the tens place, hundreds place, and so on.
Zero tens, 24 ones One ten, 14 ones Two tens, 4 ones
To write 2 tens, 6 units, 4 tenths, and 2 hundredths in decimal form, you would arrange the numbers accordingly. In this case, it would be written as 26.42. The "2" represents the 2 tens, the "6" represents the 6 units, the "4" represents the 4 tenths, and the "2" represents the 2 hundredths.
The tens place value is the second digit to the left of the decimal point. The decimal point is always to the right of the ones digit; in a whole number, the decimal point is "hiding" (not written) after the ones digit. In 3040 the tens digit is the 4.
The place value of 4 is 4 tens and the place value of 6 is 6 ones in the given number, i.e 46.
To express the number "2 hundreds, 5 ones, 9 tens, and 3 tenths" in standard form, you would write it as 259.3. This is because the number 2 represents the hundreds place, the number 5 represents the ones place, the number 9 represents the tens place, and the number 3 represents the tenths place. Therefore, the number can be written as 259.3.
In the number 495, the digit 9 is in the tens place. This means that the value of the 9 is 90, as it represents 9 tens. In the place value system, each place to the left of the decimal point represents a power of 10, with the rightmost place being the ones place, then the tens place, hundreds place, and so on.
What number has 9 tens and 4 fewer ones than tens
The value of the digit "4" is the ones value. The value of the number "1" could represent the tens value in decimal, eights in octal or sixteens in hexidecimal. Assuming a decimal numbering system there are 4 ones and 1 ten in the decimal number represented by "14"
Zero tens, 24 ones One ten, 14 ones Two tens, 4 ones
To write 2 tens, 6 units, 4 tenths, and 2 hundredths in decimal form, you would arrange the numbers accordingly. In this case, it would be written as 26.42. The "2" represents the 2 tens, the "6" represents the 6 units, the "4" represents the 4 tenths, and the "2" represents the 2 hundredths.
254 - has 2 hundreds, 5 tens, and 4 ones
what is 6 hundreds 14 tens 4 ones