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A density greater than that of water (which varies with temperature).

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Greater than that of water - at that temperature and pressure.

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Q: What density does an object have to have to sink in water?
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What does volume and mass have to do with flotationn?

The density of an object is its mass divided by its volume. If that is less than the density of water, it will float; if greater it will sink

What will happen if an object has a density greater than water?

If inserted into the water as a solid "blob" then it will sink - unless it dissolves first. But, if because of the shape, the mass of water displaced by whole object is greater than the mass of the object, it will float - just as ships made of metal do.

What has to have more density for an object to float on water the object or water?

Normally the water - to float and object has to displace a volume of water equal to its mass. If its density is greater than that of water, the maximum mass of water it can displace is its own volume which, as the water is less dense that it, will have less mass than the object and it will sink. However, for small light objects the surface tension of water comes into play - it is possible to float a steel sewing needle (with a density greater than water) on water by gently dropping a clean needle on its side onto the water surface so that it does not break the surface tension. With a needle floating, adding a few drops of washing up liquid to the surface reduces the surface tension and the needle will then sink.

How do you know an object has a density greater than water?

If an object placed in water sinks - then it has a density greater than water.

If object has mass of 3.5gml is placed in water what will happen?

I think you mean to say density. If I'm right, it'll sink.

Related questions

If an object sinks when being placed in water its density is?

To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.

Why does an object float or sink when placed on the surface of water?

An object floats in water if the object's density is less than water's...Conversely, an object will sink if it's density is greater than that of water.

How do things sink and float?

it depends on the density of the object and the density of the liquid that it's in. if the density of the object is greater than the density of the liquid, then the object will sink. if the density of the object is lesser than the density of the liquid, the object will float.

How can you use density to determine if an object will sink or float a fluid?

If the density of an object is lower than water then it will float, if the density is higher it will sink.

What affects how an object sink and float in water?

the density of the object

An object has a density of 2gcmcubed will it sink or float?

It will sink. Water has a density of 1 gm/cm3.

does a coin sink or float?

The reason the pennies sink in water is because of an idea called density. The pennies have more density than the water, and so the pennies sink. Anything with more density than water will sink in water, but other objects that have less density than water will float.

Why does some things float on water while others dont?

Some objects will float on water as the density of the object is less than that of water. Conversely, if an object is more dense than the density of water, then it will sink.

What causes something to sink or float?

What causes it to sink or float is the density. The density of water is 1.0. If the object's density is more 1.0 then it sinks, but if the object's density is less then 1.0 then the object will float.

If the density of an object is equal to the density of the fluid in which it is immersed?

If the density of an object which is equal to one(Which is also the density of the water), the object will neither sink nor float but it will be unstable, sometimes you will see the object sink then float. In other words the object is unstable in water....XD

Why does a coin sink and a boat float?

An object will sink if it has greater density than water (or whatever liquid it is place in); it will float if it has less density than the liquid.An object will sink if it has greater density than water (or whatever liquid it is place in); it will float if it has less density than the liquid.An object will sink if it has greater density than water (or whatever liquid it is place in); it will float if it has less density than the liquid.An object will sink if it has greater density than water (or whatever liquid it is place in); it will float if it has less density than the liquid.

What is buoyancy and how is it affected by density?

Buoyancy is the factor of things that float or sink. Density is related because if the object has more density than water, it will sink. But, if it has less density than water, the object will float.