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Normally the water - to float and object has to displace a volume of water equal to its mass. If its density is greater than that of water, the maximum mass of water it can displace is its own volume which, as the water is less dense that it, will have less mass than the object and it will sink.

However, for small light objects the surface tension of water comes into play - it is possible to float a steel sewing needle (with a density greater than water) on water by gently dropping a clean needle on its side onto the water surface so that it does not break the surface tension. With a needle floating, adding a few drops of washing up liquid to the surface reduces the surface tension and the needle will then sink.

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Q: What has to have more density for an object to float on water the object or water?
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How does the mass of a dinosaur compare to the mass of 1 liter of water?

It is easiest to observe the volumes of the two and go from there. One liter of water is most easily observed by most students as exactly half of a two liter of soda. Water and soda have a similar density (mass divided by volume) so they will have a similar mass. Then compare the volume of 1 liter to the volume of a dinosaur. I believe even most baby dinosaurs were larger than a liter. Take into account that most land animals alive will have a density not too far from water (some people float and some sink). The animals that have a density that differs greatly from water will more often than not have a higher density than water and sink. So, because a dinosaur is SIGNIFICANTLY more voluminous than a liter, and we can speculate that they were at least the density of water if not more, its very safe to say that dinosaurs had many times the mass of 1 liter of water.

Volume equals density over mass?

No. Volume = Mass / Density Therefore, for the same mass, if the density is higher then the volume is less. This makes perfect sense if you think about it. The atoms of the object are closer together (it is more dense) and so less space (volume) is taken up.

What is the relationship between density and mass?

Mass and densityDensity is defined as mass per unit volume. For example, the kilogram is the fundamental SI unit of mass. The kilogram per cubic meter and the gram per milliliter are examples of units of density. The concept of density's relationship with weight maybe that when considering two objects with same mass (i.e same quantity of matter contained) and same volume(i.e same space occupied);the one with the greater density(more denser) will be more heavier than the less denser object .This depends upon the different materials they are made up of.the denser object is more in weight probably (that is what i conclude) due to the absence of any other medium molecules in between the molecules of the material (in the molecular space)that constitutes the object unlike the less denser object which may have other surrounding medium's molecules in the intramolecular space......because practically there no vaccum in the intramolecular space of a particular gas but there are molecules of air between them

Which has the greater mass 1 L gold or 1 L water?

Gold.Explanation: Gold has a higher density than water.This means, the value of Mass/volume for gold is more than that of water.Here, the volume is same for both the substances. Then, for the density to vary, the mass should vary because volume is the same. As gold as a higher density, it has more mass than water for the same volume of the substance.

How much more does a liter of seawater weigh than a liter of freshwater?

According to the Wikipedia article on "Seawater": "Average density at the surface is 1.025 g/ml...", so that would be about 2.5% more than normal water, which has a density ver close to 1.

Related questions

Is it true that when the weight of an object is less than the density of water that object the object will float?

The weight does not determine if an object will float in water. If an object has a DENSITY that is more than the density of water then it will sink, if it's density is less than the density of water it will float.

Why does some things float on water while others dont?

Some objects will float on water as the density of the object is less than that of water. Conversely, if an object is more dense than the density of water, then it will sink.

What causes something to sink or float?

What causes it to sink or float is the density. The density of water is 1.0. If the object's density is more 1.0 then it sinks, but if the object's density is less then 1.0 then the object will float.

How does density determine if a object will sink or float?

If it is in water, the density for water is 1. If the object is less than 1, it will float. If it is more than more, it will sink. To find the density, you do mass divided by volume.

If the density of the water is more than the object will sink or float?

float (from a different answerer) It depends on what the object is.

If the density of the object is more than water will sink or float?

float (from a different answerer) It depends on what the object is.

What is buoyancy and how is it affected by density?

Buoyancy is the factor of things that float or sink. Density is related because if the object has more density than water, it will sink. But, if it has less density than water, the object will float.

How do things sink and float?

it depends on the density of the object and the density of the liquid that it's in. if the density of the object is greater than the density of the liquid, then the object will sink. if the density of the object is lesser than the density of the liquid, the object will float.

How do you use the density of an object to predict whether it will float or sink in the water?

If its density is less than 1 it will float in water. If its density is more than 1, it will sink in water.

Would a substance float if its density is 1 gram per ml?

Less than that of the substance it is floating on.

What is the relationship with a floating object and density?

The density of an object is related to the density of the fluid it is in because if the density of the object is less than the fluid than it will float. If this density of the object is greater than the density of the fluid it will sink to the bottom.

If you the mass and volume of an object how can you predict whether it will float or sink in water?

Calculate the density (mass divided by volume) of your object. If the density is less than that of water - which has a density of about 1000 kg per cubic meter - then it will float; if the density of your object is more, it will sink.