it is a high of precision . Ur welcome folks and have a good day , get an A
The greater the number of significant figures, the greater the precision. Each significant figure increases the precision by a factor of ten. For example pi = 3.14 is accurate to 3 significant figures, while pi = 3.14159 with 6 significant figures is a more accurate representation.
The precision of a calculated answer is limited by the least precise measurements used in the calculation.
The precision of a calculated result based on measurements is determined by the precision of the measurements themselves. The more precise the individual measurements are, the more precise the calculated result will be. Additionally, the number of significant figures in the measurements and the mathematical operations involved also affect the final precision of the result.
The precision of a calculated answer is limited by the least precise measurements used in the calculation.
The precision of a calculated answer is limited by the least precise measurements used in the calculation.
The precision of a calculated answer is limited by the least precise measurements used in the calculation.
The precision of a calculated answer is limited by the least precise measurements used in the calculation.
The precision of a calculated answer is limited by the least precise measurements used in the calculation.
The precision of a calculated answer is limited by the least precise measurements used in the calculation.
The precision of a calculated answer is limited by the least precise measurements used in the calculation.
The precision of a calculated answer is limited by the least precise measurements used in the calculation.
The precision of a calculated answer is limited by the least precise measurements used in the calculation.
the precision of the least precise measuement