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Colonial kids studied math and writing for example. Colonial kids also studied how to make ropes and how to hunt for food.

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Q: What did colonial kids study?
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They study every day in school

What did the colonial kids study?

Colonial kids spent a lot of time studying religion. They also studied math and reading. Boys' studies focused more on math, while girl's studies focused more on reading.

What kind of work did colonial kids study?

Colonial children studied many things and never stopped studying. After the school, boys go to another school to study. during the winter they need to bring woods to school, if any one forgot, they nedd to sit at the coldiest place in the class room

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Did kids in the colonial times ice skate?

Kids in colonial times did not ice skate like people do now a days. Kids did play on the ice but they just slid around on their shoes.

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How were the lives of colonial children alike and different from present-day children?

Kids today has.more things Kids today have to clean. Colonial kids have to clean up Wear baggy clothes

In which country do kids study the most?

The country that kids study the most is south korea.(:

What type of work did teachers do in colonial times?

taught kids

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Where did kids in the colonial times go to the bathroom in school?

an outhouse?