As written 'mcmlxxx' it is meaningless. Roman Numerals are ALWAYS CAPITAL letters ; MCMLXXX MCMLXXX = 1980.
It is: 205 = CCV in Roman numerals
We do use Roman numerals today. For example, Roman numerals are often found in making outlines; to label book chapters; to label the frontmatter (pages) in books.
The Roman numerals for 64 are ILXV (65-1) or LXIIII (64) and they are not LXIV. So your question is: What is the cube root of LXIIII in Arabic numerals? The answer is 4 which is IIII or IV in Roman numerals.
They are: CCCLXXI = 371
XXX is the number 30 in Roman numerals. The number 30 is represented by the Roman numeral XXX (three times X = 10).
The number 30 is XXX in Roman numerals, as each X equals 10.
The Roman numerals of XXX means the 30th modern Olympic games.
Thirty in Roman numerals is written as "XXX."
It means : 1900 30 7 Its probably a date.
xxx-vi-mmxiii in Roman numerals is the number 36,013.
XXX-I-XIXLXXII (This date as roman numerals solely and not counted as Nineteen hundred and seventy two).Answer:-In today's notation of Roman numerals it is: XXX-I-MCMLXXII
30 = XXX