Well, when you see a large number of herbivores, it means that there is plenty of food for them to eat in that area. It's a sign of a healthy ecosystem where plants are abundant and thriving. These herbivores play an important role in maintaining balance in nature, and their presence can indicate a flourishing environment.
I suppose you mean "infinity". It is not really a number. Infinity is used with different meanings in different contexts. Sometimes it refers to a tendency, in the sense that a number can get arbitrarily large. If the number can get arbitrarily large, so can the number of zeros - so you might say that the answer is "infinitely many zeros".
According to the Central Limit Theorem, the mean of a sufficiently large number of independent random variables which have a well defined mean and a well defined variance, is approximately normally distributed.The necessary requirements are shown in bold.According to the Central Limit Theorem, the mean of a sufficiently large number of independent random variables which have a well defined mean and a well defined variance, is approximately normally distributed.The necessary requirements are shown in bold.According to the Central Limit Theorem, the mean of a sufficiently large number of independent random variables which have a well defined mean and a well defined variance, is approximately normally distributed.The necessary requirements are shown in bold.According to the Central Limit Theorem, the mean of a sufficiently large number of independent random variables which have a well defined mean and a well defined variance, is approximately normally distributed.The necessary requirements are shown in bold.
It simply means that there is no limit to the number of values that x can take. It does not necessarily mean that x is very large. As Cantor proved, there are an infinite number of value between any two numbers - no matter how close together they are.
If you mean 1x10^27 then it's 1E27 and it's a very large number.1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
That you know the meanings of many words, AND can use them correctly.
Some large birds are herbivores while others are not. Some large birds like flamingos dine on a diet of shrimp.
Herbivores have large intestine hence have a big body
A large increase in herbivores. In a few decades there could possibly be a large decrease in vegetation. Though I'm not sure on the last part.
The most dangerous prehistoric species is that of Dinosaurs. The dinosaurs can be carnivores or herbivores. If the carnivores were alive, by now they would have eaten a large number of animals and human beings. Such a carnivore is Velociraptor. The herbivores are no danger for us.
Herbivores Need large flat teeth as these help them grind down the tough food that they eat.
to find food and water - novanet cowboy
crowd: a large crowd of peoplelarge number: a very large number of things or peoplemajority: the majority of ordinary people
Australopithecus and they hunted big cats, hyenas crocodiles birds and large herbivores
herbivores population will get increased in large number that you cant imagine they will be every where in our house also so save tigers
cuz they were in the dinosaur age and tall herbivores had to eat them
Excrement of large herbivores: cattle, horses, camels etc.
Tall grasses and large herbivores are part of the grassland biome and not a desert.