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What does estimate quotient and then ddivide

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Q: What do estimate each quotient then divide means?
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What does it mean when in says estimate each product or quotient?

I think it means to do the work and then estimate it. But it could also be estimate the divisor and dividend and then do the work after those two numbers are estimated.

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Divide 18 by 3 The dividend is 18 The divisor is 3 The answer is the quotient

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each means that you have to divide and that is all it means

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Estimate each difference means to estimate the numbers that they give you estimate means round to the nearest 10 like if 24 and you have to round it it will be 20 if the number is 25 which is in the middle than it will be the number upper which is 30

How do you divide on an abacus?

Step1 Set the auxilary field on the left equal to the divisor. Step2 Put the dividend into the primary operations section. Step3 Divide each section as you would on paper, keeping track of the quotient in the right auxilary field. Subtract the number of the quotient multiplied by the divisor from the dividend between each section so that you have a method of checking for accuracy. Step4 Stop when the dividend is no longer equal to, or greater than, the divisor.

Can the GCF of two numbers be greater that either of the numberd?

No. When finding the greatest common factor of two numbers, the factors of each number must divide that number "evenly", which means that the quotient of that division must be an integer. If a "factor" of a number were larger than that number, the quotient would be less than 1, and so the "factor" wouldn't actually be a factor because it doesn't divide the number evenly. At the same time, one can "factor" 4 out of 2 and get 4*(1/2), but that isn't considered a factor in the usual sense.

What is binary for 40?

Divide 40 by 2, which is the base of binary, and then divide the quotient obtained by 2. Continue the process as long as the quotient obtained in each case is greater than 1.40 = 2 x 20 + 020 = 2 x 10 + 010 = 2 x 5 + 05 = 2 x 2 + 12 = 2 x 1 + 0(We stop here as quotient is 1)Remainder obtained in first step is given the lowest priority and priority goes on increasing with each step.And the binary equivalent is obtained as:Write the quotient obtained in last step followed by the remainder according to the priority: 101000.Thus, binary equivalent is 101000.

How do you quarter 112?

To quarter a number means to divide it by four: 112 / 4 = 28

How can you tell about two integers when their quotient is positive negative zero?

If both integers are positive or both negative then the quotient is positive. If they are one of each then the quotient is negative.

What are two ways to divide 975 and 25?

If you mean 975 divided by 25 then it can be done by short division or long division and the quotient is 39