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In the Olympics, the time difference between first place and second is very often in the thousandths.

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Q: What do people measure in thousandths?
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No! 21cc is 21 cubic centimetres and is a measure of volume. 21mg is 21 milligrams (21 thousandths of a gram) and is a measure of weight.

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A specialized balance called a microbalance is typically used to measure the mass of an insect due to their small size and weight. These instruments are sensitive enough to accurately measure the weight of tiny insects.

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How many thousandths of an inch in one carrot?

The variation in the size of carrots - from less than 2 inches to well over 8 inches - is several orders of magnitude greater than the unit that you want to measure them in. As a result, any measure in that unit will have little, if any, meaning.

What do you the people use to measure?

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Since this in in the science category, mA is the abbreviation for milliAmperes, i.e. thousandths of an Ampere, the measure of current strength in an electrical circuit.

How many micrometers is a human striated muscle?

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