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You call it a bell shaped curved. It may or may not be Gaussian (Normal).

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Q: What do you call the bell shaped curve that represents a symmetrical distribution of scores?
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In a perfectly symmetrical bell-shaped normal distribution?

Normal distribution is a perfectly symmetrical bell-shaped normal distribution. The bell curve is used to find the median, mean and mode of a function.

What is the shape of a normal distribution?

It is a symmetrical, "bell-shaped" curve. The tails are infinitely long.

Another name for the Normal Distribution?

Gaussian distribution. Some people refer to the normal distribution as a "bell shaped" curve, but this should be avoided, as there are other bell shaped symmetrical curves which are not normal distributions.

What is one advantage of transforming X values into z scores?

The transformation always creates a normal shaped distribution.

The distribution of intelligence test scores in the general population forms a bell-shaped pattern This pattern is called?

Normal Curve

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Normal distributions are asymmetrical and bell-shaped?

No. They are symmetrical and bell-shaped.

Define a normal random variable?

I have included two links. A normal random variable is a random variable whose associated probability distribution is the normal probability distribution. By definition, a random variable has to have an associated distribution. The normal distribution (probability density function) is defined by a mathematical formula with a mean and standard deviation as parameters. The normal distribution is ofter called a bell-shaped curve, because of its symmetrical shape. It is not the only symmetrical distribution. The two links should provide more information beyond this simple definition.

Is normal distribution symmetrical?

Yes. By definition. A normal distribution has a bell-shaped density curve described by its mean and standard deviation. The density curve is symmetrical(i.e., an exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line), and centered about (divided by) its mean, with its spread (width) determined by its standard deviation. Additionally, the mean, median, and mode of the distribution are equal and located at the peak (i.e., height of the curve).

Why if a probability distribution curve is bell shaped why is this a normal distribution?

A bell shaped probability distribution curve is NOT necessarily a normal distribution.

If a probability distribution curve is bell-shaped then this is a normal distribution?

True * * * * * No. The Student's t-distribution, for example, is also bell shaped.

What are the Theoretical properties of normal distribution?

-It is symmetrical (mean = median) -It is bell shaped (empirical rule applies) -The interquartile range equals 1.33 standard deviations -The range is appr. equal to 6 stand. dev.