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It is a symmetrical, "bell-shaped" curve. The tails are infinitely long.

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Q: What is the shape of a normal distribution?
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How does the shape of the normal distribution differ from the shapes of the uniform and exponential distributions?

the normal distribution is a bell shape and expeonential is rectangular

What describes the shape of a distribution which is approximately normal?

A "bell" shape.

What does a negative kurtosis mean?

It means distribution is flater then [than] a normal distribution and if kurtosis is positive[,] then it means that distribution is sharper then [than] a normal distribution. Normal (bell shape) distribution has zero kurtosis.

What is the expected shape of the distribution of the sample mean?

The distribution of the sample mean is bell-shaped or is a normal distribution.

What is the shape of a z-score distribution?

The standard normal distribution or the Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.

What requirements are necessary for a normal probability distribution to be a standard normal probability distribution?

The normal distribution, also known as the Gaussian distribution, has a familiar "bell curve" shape and approximates many different naturally occurring distributions over real numbers.

A distribution with a shape that is symmetrical around the mean with a bell shape is described as?

The distribution described is a normal distribution. It is characterized by a symmetric bell-shaped curve where the mean, median, and mode are all equal and located at the center of the distribution.

What is the difference between beta and normal distribution?

The probability density functions are different in shape and the domain. The domain of the beta distribution is from 0 to 1, while the normal goes from negative infinite to positive infinity. The shape of the normal is always a symmetrical, bell shape with inflection points on either sides of the mean. The beta distribution can be a variety of shapes, symmetrical half circle, inverted (cup up) half circle, or asymmetrical shapes. Normal distribution has many applications in classical hypothesis testing. Beta has many applications in Bayesian analysis. The uniform distribution is considered a specialized case of the beta distribution. See related links.

Is normal distribution symmetric with a single peak?

the normal distribution are a very important class of statistical distributions.all normal distributions are symmetric and have bell- shaped density curves with a single peak.both the normal and symmetrical distributions are u-shape and equal from both sides. the normal distribution is considered the most prominent probability distribution in statistics.There are several reasons for this first, the normal distribution is very tractable analytically. that is a large number of results involving this distribution can be derived in explicit from.Second, the normal distribution arises as the outcome of the central limit theorem, which states that under mild conditions the large number of variables is distributed approximately normally.finally, the "bell" shape of the normal distribution marks it is a convenient choice for modeling a large variety of random variables encountered in practices.

How does the mean affect the graph of a normal distribution?

It determines the location of the graph: left or right - but not its shape.

What is the difference between a normal distribution and the standard normal distribution?

The standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.

What information must you know in order to completely specify the shape of a normal distribution?

the mean and the standard deviation