It's a mighty big number. It's also more commonly represented as 10 to the power 101. This number is greater than the current estimates of the number of elementary particles in the universe. That estimate is 10 to the power 80, for the total number of protons, electrons and neutrons in the universe. A googol is 10 to the power 100. So 100 to the 100th power is ten times a googol.
Draw a straight line and in the middle mark the zero position. Now make even marks leading away from that point. Call one direction positive numbers and the other negative numbers. Usually horizontal lines have positive numbers going to the right and vertical lines have them going up. Conversely down or to the left are negative numbers.
You would call it million.
Most mathematicians would call that a 1000-gon. If you want to show off, call it a "chiliagon."
you call it a prime number
silver anniversary
A three-hundred-year celebration is called a tricentennial.
Celebrating 25 years of marriage is called the Silver Anniversary.
A 90th birthday anniversary is commonly referred to as a "90th birthday" or a "90th birthday celebration." Some people may also call it a "ninetieth birthday" or a "90th birthday milestone."
There is no difference, but birthday would definitely be the more widely accepted label. The word "birthday" itself is elegant - it accurately gets the point across with four less syllables than birth anniversary.
there celebration call the corn dance
A 100 year celebration is called a centennial celebration.
the 100th metre is the hectometre
Octocentennial or octocentenary.