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You would call it million.

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Q: What do you call a 9 digit number?
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How do you call the US if you have only 9 digit phone number?

You are missing a digit. Find it.

Is the single digit number greater than 9?

There is no single digit number greater than 9. After 9 is 10, which is a double-digit number.

What is the Units Digit of 9 to the 21st?

The number in the units digit of the number 921 is 9.

What do you call a 16 digit number?

a Quadrillion is a 16 digit number

What is the sum of greatest 3-digit number?

The greatest 3-digit number is 999. 9+9+9 = 27 The sum of the greatest 3-digit number is 27.

What is the greatest 9 digit number with no digit rejected?

With no digit rejected, 999999999 With no digit repeated, 987654321

How many 9 digit numbers are there?

well the first 9 digit number is 100 million 100,000,000 the last 9 digit number is 999 million 999,999,999 just minus the two numbers and you get... 899,999,999 so there are around 900 million 9 digit numbers.

What is digit in real number?

Digit is not a real number unless it is 0-9

What is a 35 digit number called?

I suggest you just call it that - a "35-digit number".

What is a 400 digit number called?

Well, honey, a 400-digit number is simply called a 400-digit number. There's no fancy term for it, just like how there's no need for fancy words to describe a long line at the DMV. Just call it like it is and move on with your day.

What is the value of the digit 9 in the number 987?

The value of the digit 9 in the number 987 is 900 (nine hundred).

What three digit number is a multiple of 9?

999 is a three-digit multiple of 9