The bottom number of a fraction.
It is called the absolute value of the number.
nominator and dinominator
Zero divided by any number is always zero and a number cannot be divided by zero.
Any number multiplied by zero is equal to zero. Think of it this way - if you have 13 lots of zero, you still have zero. However many lots of zero you have, you have zero.
The denominator of any number cannot be zero because division by zero is not defined.
The bottom number of a fraction.
there is no mixed number beacuse the nominator is not greater than the dinominator.
A number with one hundred zero
The absolute value is the distance between a number and zero on a number line.
whole number line
It is called the absolute value of the number.
The absolute value.
you call it a negative number because it's smaller than 0.
negative numbers
negative or - number