A bar.
There is no vertical bar in a fraction. A fraction is written with either a horizontal bar or a slanted bar, which is technically called a "vinculum", but most people call it a "fraction bar".
The number below the bar is called the denominator.The top number of the fraction tells us how many parts we have.We call it the numerator.The bottom number tells us how many parts are in the whole.We call it the denominator.
chart/bar graph
In any proper or improper fraction such as 3/4, the fraction bar, when shown as being horizontal, is called the vinculum. When shown as being slanted, it is called a solidus.
In most places the owner of a bar is the 'Licensee' or 'Publican'
Car owner.
The bar owner gets the profits of what the bar makes after paying employees, rent, utilities, and supplies.
you call an owner of a college a college owner
A bar owner must especially consider the cost and desired longevity of the bar and stools. Additionally, the owner must consider color, shape, ergonomic design, and warranties.
you call a pink chocolate bar a starwberryocolate bar
A call to the bar is an admission to practice in law courts.
In the UK you can. The call-barring feature of the phone network allows the owner of the number the following levels of control:- Allow all calls - Bar premium-rate calls - Bar national/international calls - Bar incoming calls or bar alloutgoing calls. However - no matter what level of call-baring is in place - calls to the emergency operator are always allowed.
"who's the owner of the bar?"
a business owner
I am English , and I call a land - owner , a .. well .. land - owner
Ask, smart guy.