You label it square if it is a square
It means that if you do a simple question like 12-4 it equals 8 right? If you were using a label it could be a chocolate bar, donut or really anything. 8 donuts. :)
The label is placed on the curved surface area of the cylinder. Its area can be found using the formula A = 3.14dh where d is the diameter and h is the height of the can. It is rectangular in shape.
Not if you are the score-keeper or if you are doing the area or the perimeter or the area of the field
In math, area is defined as the amount of space a geometrical object takes up on a two-dimensional plane. It is the measure of the surface of an object.
You label it square if it is a square
Which label belongs in the area marked Z?
Area... -.-"
A capital A is usually used as a symbol for area in math.
Yes, area is always squared in math. I know this because I asked my math teacher ( who is the best math teacher ever!)
by turds
You label it with an exponent 2, because it is squared-half of a square.... YALL SHOOD NO DAT.
After. Inches2 or metres2
Check the nutritional facts label on the bag and do the math.
yes, they use math to calculate the area for the room.
Architects use math in everything from angles to finding the area of a building.