It is sort of like a slanted z. For example you need to graph something but the points you are graphing on the y axis are all above 200 ( ex. (1,203) (2,201) (3,210) ) then you would make that slanted z and just make the next number a 200. And so on.
Look at the numbers you're going to be placing on the graph. Obviously you wouldn't have the graph going up by ones if you have to plot 100, 125, 150, 175, etc. Order the numbers that're going to be graphed in order from least to greatest. For example: Let's say our numbers are 10, 19, 35, 52, and 78. We can't do ones, as the graph would be to small, we can't do fifty's as the graph would be to big. We could go fives or tens. That would be more appropriate. The appropriate scale to use is always dependant on the numbers you have to plot or graph. If we graph in the thousands we can just use ones and on the "Y" axis denote that all plotted numbers are in thousands.
You can use a table or a graph to organize you findings.
you would use a line graph
A pie chart or composite bar graph.
picture graph
The symbol is "..."
With a line graph you use lines. You put numbers at the bottom of the graph and numbers on the side. In other words the bottom numbers are on the x axis and the numbers on the side are on the y axis. Then when you have the dots on the graph you connect them and then it makes a line.
The answer depends on the nature of the numbers in the table and what you wish to show in the graph. You can graph virtually any set of numbers. For rather an unusual use of graphics see the attached link:
graphs are used to organize data and numbers
Use numbers. I think
The best graph for the purpose of comparing raw numbers between different qualitative categories would be a bar graph or some variation thereof.
teehan's triangle is use in skip counting numbers like the example
a line graph is a graph that is used to record different sets of data,mainly used in math to record the differences of numbers
NO!!!!!!i tink you use the outsied numbers but im not shur
Tables use lines and numbers instead of using bars words and numbers..... :) Also, you can't put your beer down on a bar graph :-)
A pie graph is percentages and is harder to read because sometimes it doesn't show the % A bar graph is more acurate because it gives you numbers and more info
A bar or column chart.