You measure the sound pressure with a sound pressure level meter (SPL meter).
That depends how close you measure to the mouth of the human speaker. The closer - the louder! The distance is very important if you measure with a sound pressure level meter. At 1 meter distance the speaker may be measured at 60 decibels SPL.
That depends how close you measure to the bat. The closer - the louder! The distance is very important if you measure with a sound pressure level meter.
20 to 50 decibels (dB).
The sound pressure level of 80 dB is a 10 times higher measure than the sound pressure level of 60 dB. Louder ist not the correct word, because it belongs to psycho acoustics and tells the loudness feeling.
use a decibel meter
to measure sound from distance use decibels
Take a sound pressure level meter and measure it. 95 decibels means over the is 0 decibels is the threshold of hearing. 95 decibels means the measure over 0 decibels.
A drum kit is no decibels. The decibels depends how close you measure to the bat. The closer - the louder! And the louder you play the more decibels you get. The distance is very important if you measure with a sound pressure level meter.
Loudness or sound level is measured in units called decibels (dB).
Decibels are the measure of how loud something is.
decibels measure the intensity of sound.
Decibels are really more a measure of sound level. 65 decibels would be about the level of normal conversation or laughter.