About 34.76 knots.
180 knots is equal to 207.1 MPH
35 knots is 40.2773 mph
To measure mass use gramsto measure volume use liters or cubic centimetersto measure density use grams per cubic centimeterif you want a better answer you should specify which property of water you wish to measure
210 knots is 241.6637 miles per hour.
Right angles
It originated in reference to the knots sailors tied in the rope used to measure the distance a ship travled. E2020's answer
About 46 mph.
You can't. Knots is a measure of speed, miles is a measure of length.
Knots in nautical terms means a measure of speed, not distance.
No, nautical knots and airplane speed knots are not the same measurement. Nautical knots measure speed in nautical miles per hour, while airplane speed knots measure speed in nautical miles per hour as well but in the context of aviation.
Like in a Hygrometer to measure humidity you use percentage (%)
Celtic knots are known for their use in ornamentation of Christian monuments. Celtic knots can be graphical representation of knots or actual knots in these decorations.
The name of the calculator that helps to measure the speed of an aeroplane in knots is called a conversion calculator. This allows for an equal comparison between different measurement types.
No, it's a defense measure.
Use this formula to convert knots to miles per hour: knots x 1.15 = mph25.3 knots x 1.15 = about 29.11 mph